Alexandra Olivia Engelson

Storyteller & Filmmaker

Domino writing challenge

 In fall of 2019, I launched the first ever Domino Writing Challenge. The Domino Writing Challenge brings together women from all parts of the entertainment industry, to write a collaborative script.

A writer has 4-6 days to write 4-10 pages of a script. Then the writer will pass it on to the next writer, who will have the chance to continue the story and write another 4-10 pages.

Once a script is complete we get together to have a read through and then begin the editing phase. As with any script, there are always rewrites. To get the story we all want, all the writers are paired with another writer to develop our characters and fine tune our plots.

Our first Domino Writing Challenge created 2 feature scripts through 34 women who don’t primarily identify as writers but identify as Actors, Directors, Producers, and even Costume Designers.

Interested in participating in the next Domino Writing Challenge? Sign up here, to be part of the incredible experience. Writers from all levels are encouraged to sign up.